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NOTE: My page is, as you can tell, currently under construction. In the futureI plan to make an on-line chatroom (THE CHATROOM IS HERE!!!) and a lot of cool stuff like that. Hope you like the site so far so have fun and God Bless!

Hey... My name is Greg Anglen, but my friends call me Big Greg. I am a member of First Baptist Church of Tampa, in Tampa, FL (FBC Rocks). I have been a member there for almost 3 years now and can definitly feel God working in and through our church. I gave my life over to Christ on December 27, 1996, when I was 15 years old, and He has been doing all kinds of cool things in my life ever since. I love to listen to Christian Music and go to church and all that good stuff. Our Youth Group at FBC is totally awesome and are totally on fire for Christ.

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