What's Been Going on in My Life
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Monday, 8-2-99
I just got back from youth camp today. God has been rockin and rollin in my liife lately. Going into the weekend I was having a whole lot of problems with my mom and our relationship was really on the brinks. One thing that God showed me this weekend at camp was that even though we go to church and all that, if we don't live a consistant life at home in front of your family and friends then they could care less what you have to say about Christ. What I mean is, we have to not only talk the talk, but we have to walk the walk. Let others see Jesus through you by the way you live your life.
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Saturday, 7-24-99
I have been going through a kinda up and down ride in my Christian life lately... At times I feel at the top of my Christian walk and then at others I feel that I am nothing at all in the eyes of God. One thing that I have been lacking lately is my Quiet Times with God. I always feel so good after having some personal time with God. Whenever I am in His word faithfully things always seem to rock and roll but when I miss a few days I always start to slip and fall into sin. I guess what I am getting at is that it is sooooo important to have a quiet time and to spend time with God in prayer every day.

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