My Testimony

I was saved on December 27, 1996, at the age of 15 at a Youth Winter Camp in Perdido Beach, Alabama. Before accepting Christ I lived a pretty off-tracked life. I thankfully never got into drugs or alcohol or anything like that, but I definitly would have considering the "friends" that I hung out with. Up until I became a Christian, I was always a follower, doing whatever others where doing in order to seem "cool" and to be accepted. I used to do all kinds of stupid things like steal, smoke cigarettes, cuss ALL the time, and other stupid stuff like that. Well since becoming a Christian, I have tried my best to totally give my life over to Christ. I am, now, a leader in my Youth Group and I love to share Jesus with all who will hear. Now I'm not saying that I am Mr. Do Right or that I don't mess up because Lord knows that I do. What I am saying is that, when I do mess up, God forgives me and helps me to get back on track. If you have ever wondered how to accept Christ or what Christ has done for you, please e-mail me and I would love to share this Life-Changing info with you. God Bless

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